How to improve the potency in men all the ways to increase male power


How to improve the potency in men all the ways to increase male power

How to improve the potency in men: all ways to increase male power
How to effectively improve the potency in men, what ways to increase the male force exist. What to do and what to take to increase potency.

How to improve the potency in men: increase male power

Male potency is an opportunity to lead a normal sex life. However, certain diseases, pathologies and disorders in the body lead to its violation. In this case, the question arises how to improve the potency in men and restore reproductive function.

The content of the article

  • What it is?
  • Causes of reduced potency
  • Reduced testosterone
  • Ways to increase
    • The Importance Of Increasing Testosterone
    • Medicines
      • Artificial
      • Natural (dietary supplements)
      • Physiotherapy
      • Folk recipes
        • Honey-nut mix
        • Nettle
        • Pumpkin seeds
        • What it is?

          Male power is the ability of the reproductive system to perform the function of procreation. With age, due to natural and pathological reasons, its decline is observed. Because of this, there is a desire to restore this ability of the organism.

          In order not to confuse the basic concepts, it is worth examining each of them:

          • Potency is the ability of a man to perform a sexual function. It determines the rate of appearance of an erection, its persistence and duration of sexual intercourse.
          • Libido is a sexual attraction that occurs to members of the opposite sex. The term was coined by psychologist Sigmund Freud.
          • An erection is the ability of the body to fill the penis with blood and maintain its excited state for a long time for sexual intercourse.

          Causes of reduced potency

          The development of erectile dysfunction in the male body is a complication arising on the background of diseases or pathologies. These may include psychological problems, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, hormonal imbalances or pathologies of the cardiovascular system. It is believed that the main factor in problems with reproductive function in men younger than 40 years is psychological disorders, and in older people hormonal problems.

          Irregular sexual life has a negative effect on the state of the reproductive system, this is especially important for people aged 40 years or more. This happens because the body functions in this life period need regular “training”. Other negative factors are venereal diseases or untreated or undertreated pathologies of the urogenital system in the form of prostatitis, urethritis and other diseases.

          In addition, the causes of violations of sexual function are:

          • hormonal factors when testosterone production decreases;
          • use of alcohol-containing drinks, especially beer, which contains in its composition female sex hormones;
          • chronic diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular or urogenital systems.

          Reduced testosterone

          The main hormone that regulates the appearance of potency in the representatives of the stronger sex is testosterone.

          Reducing its amount in the body leads to the following situations:

          • decrease in erectile function or the development of dysfunction;
          • irritability;
          • the appearance of depression or apathy;
          • decrease in self-esteem and depressed mood.

          In addition, the lack of a normal level of testosterone reduces the rate of metabolism and gaining muscle mass. The decrease in the body’s production of the male sex hormone occurs for various reasons. These are age-related changes, frequent use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco smoking, physical inactivity and chronic sleep deprivation.

          The desire to normalize the potency often arises among the stronger oxydrolone sex after 45 years, due to age-related changes, as well as certain psychological barriers. Because of this, there is a decline in sexual function in men. Of course, to increase potency in men there are special drugs, but many of them have contraindications and lead to the appearance of side effects.

          Ways to increase

          There are different ways to increase male potency. It is important to identify and begin treatment of the problem that leads to this.

          So, the following methods are used:

          • medicamentous
          • surgical,
          • use of folk remedies.

          But before you begin to increase the male power, it is important to consult with your doctor and, if necessary, be examined to determine the cause of this condition. Self-medication can lead to negative consequences, especially when the remedy has been chosen incorrectly or very large dosages are used.

          The Importance Of Increasing Testosterone

          One of the conditions of how to increase the male force is the normalization of the level of sex hormone. In addition to the use of medicines and folk remedies, it is important to adjust your lifestyle. The main factor affecting testosterone production is sleep. During this period its maximum amount accumulates in the body. Because of this, in the morning, men often experience an erection on waking.

          Separately, it is worth noting the need for exercise to restore the production of sex hormone. For this purpose, apply short-term, but intense and heavy exercises that increase testosterone levels.

          In addition, to increase the potency without drugs, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

          • reduce the number of stressful situations and nervous tension;
          • to adhere to proper nutrition;
          • How to improve the potency in men all the ways to increase male power

          • have regular sex;
          • Harden and live a healthy lifestyle.


          The necessary drugs, allowing to raise the potency of a man, are prescribed by a doctor based on the reason that led to its decrease.

          Medicines are divided into several categories according to the nature of their origin:

          • natural – they are dietary supplements;
          • artificial.

          After passing the tests and passing the diagnosis, the specialist selects drugs for treatment. In this case, the physiological characteristics of the organism of a particular person, as well as the presence of associated diseases are taken into account.


          Of the modern synthetic drugs for potency, the following types of drugs are often used:

          • Viagra. It is the most popular means to strengthen the male force. It is prescribed for artificial sexual stimulation, but the effect of the use of temporary. The active component of Viagra is sildenafil. Taking this medication allows you to increase sexual arousal and achieve a stable erection for sexual intercourse. Drink pills an hour before the alcohol and bodybuilding alleged intercourse, and the duration of action is an average of 4 hours. The price of 25 mg tablets starts from 721 rubles per unit.
          • Levitra The drug is considered a direct competitor to Viagra and belongs to the category of phosphodiesterase inhibitors. The active substance of the drug is vardenafil, which allows you to enhance the body’s natural production of nitric oxide. This substance stimulates the flow of blood into the male genital organs. The drug is available in pill form. The use of this medication is a reliable way to increase the male power, but does not allow to erect the sexual organ with complete impotence. Allowed to combine the use of Levitra with food or a small amount of alcoholic beverages. The cost of each tablet weighing 10 mg is 770 rubles.
          • Cialis The drug, the main active component of which is tadalafil. Also classified as selective phosphodiesterase inhibitors. The use of the drug has a similar effect as sildenafil, which is the active ingredient of Viagra. Cialis is available in the United States in the form of tablets coated with a yellow film. The price of one tablet is 1137 rubles.

          Natural (dietary supplements)

          Due to the natural composition, lack of synthetic elements and the content of a large number of useful elements, dietary supplements fill in the missing vitamins and minerals in the body, which improves the potency in men.

          The most effective medicines in this group are:

          • Orgazex. The effect of the reception appears after an hour and lasts for 24 hours. Contraindications are component intolerance or allergy to the drug. At the same time it can be used with alcohol. The cost of a package of 2 capsules is 793 rubles.
          • Vermax. Herbal remedy that improves the potency in men. It is taken one hour before sexual intercourse. The effect of the drug lasts up to 8 hours. In some cases, causes a violation of the digestive process or discomfort sensation, localized in the abdomen. The cost of a package containing 6 tablets is 93 rubles.
          • Laveron. An effective combination medication that allows to relax the cavernous bodies to maximize the filling of the sexual organ with blood. Used 40 minutes before the start of sex, the effect is observed for about 6 hours. The price of one pill of 0.5 g is 344 rubles.
          • Ogopleks. A tool made from natural ingredients, is used for long-term treatment of disorders of potency. The price of a pack of 30 tablets is 485 rubles.

          Prior to the use of the drug, it is important to study the instructions in order to take into account possible contraindications and negative effects. Do not forget that taking medications that improve male sexual function is recommended only on prescription.


          When stagnant inflammation of the prostate gland is the cause of the impaired sexual function, it is possible to improve the potency in men without the use of medications. For this purpose, prostate massage therapy is used. The essence of the method lies in the physical impact on the gland to improve its work and the withdrawal of a stale secret. The massage should be performed by an experienced doctor due to possible negative effects if improperly performed. The duration and number of procedures is determined depending on the neglect of the disease and the general health of the patient. As a result, the inflammatory process is reduced and the potency is increased.

          Folk recipes

          Traditional medicine, as practice shows, have a good effect on male sexual function with their proper use. Therefore, it is recommended to use them to restore erectile function in combination with medicines, but only with the approval of the attending physician.

          Honey-nut mix

          To prepare such a tool, it is required in equal proportions to mix 250 g of natural honey (preferably lime or buckwheat) with pre-chopped walnuts. If there are difficulties with the ejaculation process, add 1 tbsp. l dried apricots or dates. This will help to normalize the functioning of the urogenital system, as well as to normalize the composition of seminal fluid. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, the product is ready for use. Used by 1 tbsp. l 2 times a day, the course of treatment is 14 days. Longer use is not recommended because of the high caloric content of the components, which adversely affects the carbohydrate metabolism in the body.


          This plant has tonic, tonic, and antibacterial properties.

          Apply nettle for the treatment of pathologies that cause impairment of potency, is required as follows:

          • First, wash the fresh nettles, scald with boiling water, and then grind.
          • 2 tbsp. l greens pour 150 ml of boiling water.
          • For 30 minutes, insist, and then strain through gauze;
          • Half an hour before meals drink this tool.

          You can take 2–3 servings of traditional medicine for 45 days per day.

          Such therapy can be used only in spring, when the appearance of this herb begins, since only young leaves are required for preparation. If you use a mature plant, it will lead to a decrease in blood clotting, which will only worsen the blood circulation in the body.

          Pumpkin seeds

          An effective recipe that contributes to the restoration of male power, is a tool from pumpkin seeds.

          For its preparation is required to use raw material, because roasting reduces their quality:

          • 5 tbsp. l grind the seeds in a coffee grinder.
          • Add 3 tbsp. l honey and 1 tsp. aloe juice
          • Stir the ingredients and infuse for 72 hours.

          To use the received means 5 times a day on a dessert spoon, regardless of meal, a course up to 30 days.

          Choosing exactly how to normalize men’s health, it is necessary to take into account the contraindications that each of the drugs or methods have. Remember that you need induject-250 to use all means only with the approval of the doctor and after the diagnosis, to eliminate the negative consequences for the body when restoring male sexual function.

          The opinion of a specialist on such a pressing issue for many as ways to improve the potency in men is contained in the video: