Swimming with prostatitis – the benefits and harm whether you can walk into the pool and plunge into the hole in this disease


prostate cancerSwimming with prostate – the benefits and harm: is it possible to go to the pool and plunge into the hole in this disease
It is useful or harmful to engage in swimming with prostatitis, is it possible to plunge into the ice hole, visit the pool for diseases of the prostate gland.

Is it possible to go swimming with prostatitis?

In the treatment of prostatitis medical methods must be complemented by physiotherapy. Physical activity has a positive effect. How useful swimming with prostatitis in the pool and when to abandon water procedures, will be discussed in the article.

The content of the article

  • The effect of water treatments on the prostate
  • Tips and tricks
  • Water treatments for prostate cancer
    • Hopping in the hole
    • Hot tubs
    • Cold and hot shower
  • Useful video: Is it possible to bathe with prostatitis
  • Conclusion

The effect of water treatments on the prostate

  • blood circulation improvement;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • improvement of tissue metabolism;
  • elimination of stagnation.

Doctors recommend to pay attention to swimming, because it does not exert excessive loads on the pelvis, the muscle tone normalizes, tissue irritation goes away, the patient’s emotional state stabilizes.

Another positive aspect is the temperature of the water in the pool, which rarely exceeds 23 ° C. Cool body water has an analgesic effect. This does not mean that the longer it is in the water, the greater the benefit. Hypothermia is fraught with dbol, dianabolic 25 review the development of the inflammatory process and its spread to neighboring organs.

The answer to the question whether it is possible to visit the pool during an exacerbation is clearly negative: water will cause harm.

It is allowed to go to the pool with prostatitis only at the initial or in the chronic stage. In the later stages of development of prostate adenoma, physical exertion can backfire and lead to tissue proliferation. The patient in this case put bed rest and walking. If an operation on the prostate gland was previously performed, it is allowed to engage in sports only after the complete recovery of the body.

Direct contraindications to swimming:

  • severe pain syndrome;
  • active stage of growth of pathological tissues;
  • rehabilitation process after surgery.

In other cases, prostatic hyperplasia is a direct indication for exercise therapy, including in the pool.

To swimming with prostate benefit, you must follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Since prolonged bathing with prostatitis can cause aggravation, it is necessary to monitor the time spent in water.

Tips and tricks

To visit the pool for prostate need to properly. The main condition is that swimming can only be done during remission, otherwise the patient will face complications.

prostate cancer

To improve health, in particular the functioning of the pelvic organs, there are such recommendations:

  • the temperature of the water in the pool should be comfortable for the body, not cold and not hot, the optimum temperature regime not lower than 23 ° С;
  • the duration of the lesson should be 30-40 minutes;
  • the number of classes per week – no more than 2 times.

Immediately after swimming procedures, a man should take a shower and change into clean, dry linen. If you stay in wet swimming trunks, it can lead to hypothermia, and therefore the development of the disease. The temperature of the water in the shower should increase gradually, it is not recommended to go directly under the hot stream. The maximum temperature of the water in the shower is 38 ° С.

The important point is the swimming trunks themselves. They should not be tight and constrain movement or squeeze blood vessels. Dense gum also put pressure on the testicles (testicles), which leads to a decrease in sexual function. After each workout, smelting must be erased to prevent the development of bacteria on them.

After the load, the patient must observe the sensations in his body. It should not be fatigued and weakened, pain should not be felt in the muscles. If the body is not ready for exertion, then the workout can be started from 20 minutes and further increase the time. If you feel very tired, then you need to wait for a full recovery, otherwise there will be no resources left to fight with prostatitis.

Attention! If you experience discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately stop exercising.

Water treatments for prostate cancer

In prostate cancer, especially after surgery, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles

Physical activity should be constant, but easy. If there is such a symptom as urinary incontinence, but swimming in the pool and cycling should be postponed. If a person was sedentary before the illness, then 10–15 minutes of activity a day in the initial stages will be enough. Further, the duration of the load can be increased to 30 minutes. Before increasing the load, you need to make sure that the health condition is stable, which only a doctor can do. This applies to sports such as swimming, jogging, even work on the site.

To water had a healing effect, you need to properly use it. The prostate reacts differently to different water treatments.

Hopping in the hole

Prostatitis and swimming in icy water are two incompatible concepts.. This is indicated not only by doctors, but also by disease statistics. About 70% of exacerbations occur in the winter, among patients and walruses, and just men who have had hypothermia.

Bathing in cold water is fraught with the development of an acute inflammatory process, the formation of a purulent form of pathology, there is a risk of abscess development. Swimming in the hole has a detrimental effect not only on the inflamed prostate, but also on the sexual function of a healthy man.

It is forbidden not only to dip into the hole. It is not recommended to bathe with prostatitis and in reservoirs, until the water warms up to 20–23 ° С. The same applies to cold showers, washing with cold water and cold compresses.

Hot tubs

The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the expansion of blood vessels, improvement of metabolic processes in the tissues of the pelvic area, drugs begin to act faster and better. After the procedures, the urination process is improved in hot water, the swelling of the prostate gland subsides, the quality of sperm improves, potency is restored.

If you add essential oils or herbs to the bathroom, you can achieve an anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Turpentine, coniferous, radon, chamomile and other baths will have the maximum effect.

Cold and hot shower

Contrast showers are used to treat various prostate diseases. In order not to aggravate the health situation, it must be properly done.

The steps of the procedure are as follows:

  • douche with alternating temperature alternately right and left legs;
  • dousing individually each hand;
  • contrast shower for the chest;
  • contrast shower for the back.

In total, the shower can be no more than 20 minutes, each zone is poured over for 5 minutes, of which 4 minutes is affected by warm temperature, and 1 minute is cold.

There is another scheme in which the whole body is poured at once:

  • 2 minutes of hot water;
  • 15 seconds cold;
  • 1 minute hot;
  • 15 seconds cold;
  • 1 minute hot;
  • 15 seconds cold.

Important! The maximum temperature of hot water is 38 ° С, cold – 22 ° С. The course duration is 30 days or until the symptoms disappear completely. After the procedure, wipe dry with a towel and put on clean linen.

Useful video: Is it possible to bathe with prostatitis


Treatment of prostate diseases is a long and laborious process. If you take the treatment seriously, you can achieve good results. If you visit the pool for prostate according to all the rules, this will help to quickly restore men’s health.